21URDOOR.ZIP 38,558 07-16-94 URDoor Set Of TP Routines For Doors;Multitasker Aware/No Fossil/ASM Serial I/O
3DLAB101.ZIP 162,285 05-27-94 Labyrinth-3D. Collection of Turbo Pascalroutines.
3DLIB30A.ZIP 196,813 03-10-94 3D Animation Library for TP/BP/TPW/C (1 of 2).
3DLIB30B.ZIP 241,059 03-10-94 3D Animation Library for TP/BP/TPW/C (2 of 2).
ACTION.PAS 9,615 06-09-94 Pascal source code
AJCPRT.ZIP 8,640 01-16-94 AJC Printer Unit for Windows - is Pascal codewhich makes it easier to position output on aphysical page, using position references interms of inches, rather than Device Contextunits. It also makes it easier to set text
alignment to Left- Centered orRight-justified.
ASC2PAS.ZIP 11,822 03-18-94 Converts Ascii Test Files Into Turbo PascalSource Code
BPOS2TV.ZIP 74,181 05-07-94 Turbo Vision Units for BP7OS2 port.
BTF541.ZIP 190,170 03-03-94 [BTF541.ZIP] A patch for upgrading TurboPowerSoftware's B-Tree Filer version 5.40 to 5.41.Download and read TPUPD001.ZIP beforedownloading this file. You will also needTPPATCH.ZIP from this library.
BTV200.ZIP 108,161 03-25-94 Btv.pas is an object oriented Turbo Pascal6.0,7.0 programming interface for Novell'sBtrieve database manager. BTV.PAS works withDOS, MS Windows, and DOS protected modeprograms. Btv.pas supports all Btrieve
functions through V5.15. New to Btv.pas 2.0is support for extended operations.
CNAMES10.ZIP 9,189 02-24-94 CNAMES.TPU - Rev 11/25/93 Version 1.0 Pascalsource code on how to Read the CNAMES.@@@file, currently contains 4 differentProcedures. Beta Version
DDPLUS63.ZIP 96,256 07-17-94 DDPLus63 - Door Driver Routines for BorlandPascal 7.0 - Complete with Documentation andsamples on how to make door programs usingTurbo Pascal. Routines originally by ScottBaker and augmented/updated by Steven Lorenz.
The DDPLus package supports most BBS Softwarepackages, including PC Board Vers 15 &WildCat 3.91. Does not require a fossil, butwill make use of one if it is available,supports interupts 0-15, selectable portaddresses, Com ports 1-4, and speeds up to
115,200 baud. Automatic Windows, WindowsNT,OS/2,DOS 5.0+ time slice releasing. DESQviewsupported.
DEW201.ZIP 299,818 03-03-94 [DEW201.ZIP] A patch for upgrading TurboPowerSoftware's Data Entry Workshop version 2.00to 2.01. Download and read TPUPD001.ZIPbefore downloading this file. You will alsoneed TPPATCH.ZIP from this library.
DLX70BBS.ZIP 527,329 03-06-94 DLX Multi-User BBS Microsoft Pascal V4 Source
DLX70SRC.ZIP 166,289 03-06-94 Source code for DLX-BBS 7.0. Public domain.
ECHOSTRA.ZIP 139,360 02-01-94 Door Game (Stratego) Written In Pascal.Sources & Exe's Included.
FEED10A.ZIP 7,277 06-14-94 Feed 1.0A. Feed data from your BATch files;with TP source.
FSPRITE3.ZIP 225,153 04-28-94 FastSprite Unit for TPASCAL Users. Very fastComes with sample surreal game. A must forall game programmers!
GFXFX.ZIP 166,671 06-22-94 Large Collection Of PASCAL Graphics RoutinesBy Bas Van Gaalen - Public Domain
GP.ZIP 142,191 05-23-94 GP is a TP unit for plotting.
JPDOOR41.ZIP 346,697 07-30-94 JPDoor V4.1 Door Writing Toolkit for Turbo PaSupports RA, QBBS, SuperBBS, ProBoard, and ancan create a dorinfo1.def or Door.Sys file.you need to write a door, from Beginner to Adis available.
LZW4P14.ZIP 32,040 05-30-94 NAME: LZW Data Compression Library for PascalKEYS: LZW DATA COMPRESSION LIBRARY COMPRESSFILE: LZW4P14.ZIP VER: 1.4 DATE: June 94REG$: MarshallSoft Computing, Inc.- $45.00DSCR: LZW4P is a data compression library for
Turbo Pascal programmers which uses the LZWalgorithm as published in research papers byLempel, Ziv, and Welch. The LZW algorithm isprobably the best generic compressionalgorithm known today.
MGCOMTP0.ZIP 38,453 03-22-94 Turbo Pascal Unit To Access Comm Ports. TP 5
MTKIT10.ZIP 91,510 01-30-94 TURBO TPU TOOLKIT! v1.0 <ASP> TPU basedtoolkit of math functions such as inversetrigonometric, hyperbolic and otherfunctions. Accuracy to 19 significantfigures. For use with Turbo Pascal 5.5+
compilers. Functions plug in where theprogrammer wants them. Comes with sampleprograms. Manuals available upon registration.
MVHELP.ZIP 80,391 02-11-94 Reconfig, Test, And Edit Helper For Pas16
MXPRPAS.ZIP 36,421 02-13-94 ModeX Pascal library for 16 bit protected modFreeware Borland Pascal library for VGA ModeX320x240 and 320x200 paged VGA modes. Has fontmouse support and a simple event handler. (c)Copyright 1994 Michael Chapin
OPENFIL4.ZIP 6,531 08-26-94 OpenFiles v4. Unit to show list of open files.
OPR121.ZIP 111,454 03-03-94 [OPR121.ZIP] A patch for upgrading TurboPowerSoftware's Object Professional version 1.20to 1.21. Download and read TPUPD001.ZIPbefore downloading this file. You will alsoneed TPPATCH.ZIP from this library.
OPR122.ZIP 96,015 03-03-94 [OPR122.ZIP] A patch for upgrading TurboPowerSoftware's Object Professional version 1.21to 1.22. Download and read TPUPD001.ZIPbefore downloading this file. You will alsoneed TPPATCH.ZIP from this library.
OS2HLP.ZIP 117,748 03-01-94 Borland Pascal Online Help For The Bpos13Units Package
PASEDIT.ZIP 2,951 09-10-94 Pascal source code for a command line editor.Requires Borland Pascal 7.0 or Turbo Pascal 7
PCL4P41.ZIP 67,590 05-10-94 NAME: Personal Communications Lib for PascalKEYS: LIBRARY XMODEM YMODEM ASYNC SERIAL COMMRS232 MODEM 16550 DIGIBOARD BOCABOARD FILE:PCL4P41.ZIP VER: 4.1 DATE: May 94 REG$:MarshallSoft Computing, Inc.- $65.00 DSCR:
PCL4P is an asynch communications librarysupporting COM1-COM16 to 115200 baud, 4+ports concurrently, dumb DigiBoards and BOCAboards, INS16550, interrupt driven, RTS/CTSflow control. Includes terminal program with
PETERN.ZIP 6,460 06-15-94 PeterN Turbo Pascal 7 ProgrammersAttach/Display text files to EXE Forprogrammers only
PROBO4.ZIP 388,152 05-24-94 P-ROBOTS Version 4.0 A game for PASCALprogrammers. Battle robots programmed byothers in a fight with flying missiles,shields, cloaks, and bombs. Ideal for thePASCAL "pro" or beginner alike. Includes new
"IDE" or Integrated Development Environment.*Freeware* Includes PASCAL source code!
PRQUE.ZIP 8,830 02-12-94 PRQue - is the BP7.0 source code of an objectwhich opens a printque on novell netware 311without using a LPT port. It can be run inREAL and PROTECTED modes.
PULL70B.ZIP 159,060 02-05-94 Pull - is a set high performance pull-downmenu utilities for Turbo Pascal 5.0
RKEY31TP.ZIP 223,689 06-05-94 RegKey 3.10 - Registration key system for TurAdd registration key support to your TurboPascal (DOS and Windows) programs. Allowsdistribution of your software fordemonstration purposes. When a user pays for
your program, they receive a registration keywhich switches your application intoregistered mode, possibly enabling additionalfeatures.
RLNK120.ZIP 426,125 09-28-94 RIPlink v1.20 - This is a RIP toolkit forTurbo Pascal programmers. It allows doors toadd full support for the RIPscrip graphicsprotocol. This includes both sending RIPscripcodes to the user AND creating the graphics
on the sysop's screen. Support includes localMouse, TextWindow, and more! RIPlink is aMUST GET for ALL door programmers who use TP.Released 07-07-94 An InterProgramming Product- 1:301/3
SCANH326.ZIP 102,517 01-23-94 ScanHelp v3.26 Makes help files (.TEX/.TPH/.
SK210F.ZIP 145,662 05-26-94 Ten TP/BP non-OOP units incl. color sel., cmdline parsing, complex arith., file crc calc.,date manipulation, error message control,financial calc., generic lists, long strings,low level utilities. Now supports protected
mode. TPRO 5.22+ req. Integrated test suite.Free for non- commercial use. Upl. by Author.
SK210P.ZIP 15,186 05-26-94 Patch file and instructions to update Sky-Hawk Developer's Kit ver. 2.00 to ver. 2.10.If you already have ver. 2.00, download onlythis file. Requires PATCH.EXE ver. 2.01,available here with docs in file WGMPAT.ZIP.
To get the full ver. 2.10 product, D/L fileSK210F.ZIP.
SK210T.TXT 2,774 06-03-94 Text File Describing Changes From SkyHawkVersion 2.00 To 2.10
SNAP31.ZIP 143,537 04-25-94 StaNdArd Printer-Pascal (SNAP_P) DW3.1 <ASP>A Pascal with Objects pretty printer. BothDOS and Windows versions included. Majorrevision includes most requested features.Menu driven. Simple installation. Safe to
use. DOS version is Turbo Vision. Optionaldictionary gives control over the looks ofnames like "cmCancel" and "mfYesButton". Fullcontrol over block structure, indentation,margins. Includes batch mode.
SNPW32.ZIP 65,909 06-11-94 Pascal/Objects Reformatter-Windows 3.2 <ASP>Pascal with Objects pretty printer. Majorrevision includes most requested features.Menu driven. Simple .EXE file, no intrusiveinstallation. Completely safe to use.
Optional dictionary gives control over thelooks of names like "cmCancel" and"mfYesButton". Full control over blockstructure, indentation, margins. Includesbatch mode. Fully supported product, not ahobbyist's toy.
SWAG026.ZIP 91,932 03-14-94 Corrected SWAG READER v2.6 dated 3/14/94. Theprevious version dated 2/26/94 had an errorin the key input routine. From SourcewareArchival Group. EXE needed to read SWAGpackets. SWAG packets are available in
separate archives. Get ALLSWAGS.ZIP forcomplete package. SWAG9402.ZIP for February1994 update.
SWAG9402.ZIP 773,870 02-26-94 NEW SWAG PASCAL snipets for 2/26/94. OVER350+ New Items. From Sourceware ArchivalGroup. Updated version of READER.EXE v2.6 andDOC files. Will automatically update .SWGfiles on your disk. SWAG (SourceWare Archival
Group) is a collection of source code andprogram examples for the PASCAL language.Over 56 catagories covering every aspect ofPASCAL. One of the MOST complete PASCALreference libraries available. This is ONLYthe update. Get ALLSWAGS.ZIP for ALL SWAGS
snipets to date.
SWAG9405.ZIP 507,640 05-28-94 NEW SWAG PASCAL snipets for 5/28/94. OVER150+ New Items. From Sourceware ArchivalGroup. Updated version of READER.EXE v2.8 andDOC files. Will automatically update .SWGfiles on your disk. SWAG (SourceWare Archival
Group) is a collection of source code andprogram examples for the PASCAL language.Over 56 catagories covering every aspect ofPASCAL. One of the MOST complete PASCALreference libraries available. This is ONLYthe update. Get ALLSWAGS.ZIP for ALL SWAGS
snipets to date.
SWAG9408.ZIP 915,078 08-27-94 NEW SWAG PASCAL snipets for 8/27/94. OVER300+ New Items. From Sourceware ArchivalGroup. Updated version of READER.EXE v2.9 andDOC files. Will automatically update .SWGfiles on your disk. SWAG (SourceWare Archival
Group) is a collection of source code andprogram examples for the PASCAL language.Over 56 catagories covering every aspect ofPASCAL. One of the MOST complete PASCALreference libraries available. This is ONLYthe update. Get ALLSWAGS.ZIP for ALL SWAGS
snipets to date.
SWAGA_C.ZIP 249,534 05-28-94 SWAG PASCAL snippets from A-C. 05/28/94,Needs READER.EXE contained in SWAG.ZIP. SWAG(SourceWare Archival Group) is a collectionof source code and program examples for thePASCAL language. There are 56 catagories
covering every aspect of PASCAL. One of theMOST complete PASCAL reference librariesavailable. Over 150+ NEW items in thisrelease.
SWAGD_F.ZIP 649,085 05-27-94 SWAG PASCAL snippets from D-F. 05/28/94 NeedsREADER.EXE contained in SWAG.ZIP. SWAG(SourceWare Archival Group) is a collectionof source code and program examples for thePASCAL language. There are 56 catagories
covering every aspect of PASCAL. One of theMOST complete PASCAL reference librariesavailable. Over 150+ NEW items in thisrelease.
TA701.ZIP 72,389 03-03-94 [TA701.ZIP] A patch for upgrading TurboPowerSoftware's Turbo Analyst version 7.00 to7.01. Download and read TPUPD001.ZIP beforedownloading this file. You will also needTPPATCH.ZIP from this library.
TCYBER20.ZIP 263,240 07-01-94 TURBO VISION CYBERTOOLS v2.00 - Turbo Visiongraphics, Paradox and async tools for TP7 andBP7. Provides fast fonts, graphics, PCXimages, sprites, bit map animation, DACpalettes, 256 color animator, powerful
TP7_INT.ZIP 39,161 03-13-94 Various Routines For Tp7.0
TPCM9406.ZIP 63,763 06-21-94 TURBO PASCAL CONFERENCE MAGAZINE June 1994 -- The monthly electronic magazine containingTurbo Pascal source code given out overechoed conferences such as Rime and Fidonet.All code is listed by subject and author.
Over 50 different Turbo Pascal source codesegments. Free of charge. From the desk ofWilliam Rozmiarek.
TPPICS.ZIP 113,883 06-30-94 An excellent method of interactively drawinggraphics in a Turbo Pascal 7.0 program.
TPR522.ZIP 54,660 03-03-94 [TPR521.ZIP] A patch for upgrading TurboPowerSoftware's Turbo Professional version 5.20 to5.21. Download and read TPUPD001.ZIP beforedownloading this file. You will also needTPPATCH.ZIP from this library.
TPUPD001.ZIP 6,873 03-05-94 [TPUPD001.ZIP] This file describes TurboPowerSoftware's Electronic Maintenance System,which is a method of providing maintenanceupdates to TurboPower products. Includesinstructions about how to apply patches, a
list of all available patches, and PATCH.EXEcommand line options. Download and read thisbefore applying your first patch.
TSM101.ZIP 215,759 03-03-94 [TSM101.ZIP] A patch for upgrading TurboPowerSoftware's TSRs and More version 1.00 to1.01. Download and read TPUPD001.ZIP beforedownloading this file. You will also needTPPATCH.ZIP from this library.
WFORMPAS.ZIP 105,241 04-30-94 Turbo Pascal Beautifier For Windows
WGMPAT.ZIP 48,913 05-26-94 Contains PATCH.EXE by PocketSoft (distrib-uted by permission) and docs, required toupdate Madison & Assoc. products. If youalready have a copy of PATCH.EXE, ver 2.01 orlater, you need not D/L this file.
WINDOB10.ZIP 194,110 03-31-94 Graphical Windows Unit For TP7.0
WINDUM.ZIP 7,870 06-23-94 Windump - is a Pascal unit derived fromWinCRT that allows the use of plain old'writeln' and 'write' instructions insideregular Windows applications. This is veryuseful for debugging.
WS102.ZIP 167,765 03-03-94 [WS102.ZIP] A patch for upgrading TurboPowerSoftware's Win/Sys Library version 1.01 to1.02. Download and read TPUPD001.ZIP beforedownloading this file. You will also needTPPATCH.ZIP from this library.
WUNDERKI.ZIP 114,813 02-05-94 The Famous Patch That Allows Tp To GenerateOs/2 16-Bit Exe!